Exploit the full potential of your image and video data

We analyze your tera- and petabytes of image and video data for your customer advantage and monetization.

Large scale image analytics

We offer cloud-compatible, large-scale image analytics solutions for data-driven medicine, evidence-based oncology care and industry 4.0 needs. You benefit from unlimited, elastic scalability without any investment in your own IT infrastructure or personnel.


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With supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content.


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Industry 4.0

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Deep learning, bla, quantitative analysis

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unsere treuen kunden und partner bla bla

Airbus Defense
Universitätsspital Basel
Varian Medical Systems
Paul Scherer Institut


News bla bla bla

Investigating the Microvessel Architecture of the Mouse Brain:
April 16, 2016

An Approach for Measuring, Stitching, and Analyzing 50 Terabytes of Data...

April 16, 2016

Imaging experiments involving complex specimens like full-animals, vascular structures in brain, or cellular material ...

April 16, 2016

Many important scientific questions ranging from the micro-scale mechanical behavior of foam structures to the process of viral infection in cells...

Improving Surgery and Radiotherapy with Real-time Analysis
April 16, 2016

The standard procedure for both radiotherapy and surgery involves making scans and planning treatment prior to the operation...