• https://goo.gl/wT4rkm
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Cloud Image Processing Framework

Leveraging the large existing communities built around ImageJ and FIJI, Cloud Image Processing (CIP) lets you scale up these tools from one machine to hundreds in a distributed, fault-tolerant manner. Whether with powerful workstations, high-performance clusters, or cloud-based machines, our framework can handle your problem and make analysis and configuration easy using any device with our web-based tools.


Unlike traditional data analyst work with spreadsheets and pivot tables which offer a shallow view of your data, our proven and proprietary algorithm can help you find answers hidden deep within your data that would otherwise remain hidden.


Unlike traditional data analyst work with spreadsheets and pivot tables which offer a shallow view of your data, our proven and proprietary algorithm can help you find answers hidden deep within your data that would otherwise remain hidden.


The 4Quant algorithm can help you understand the causal factors that lead to outcomes in your business. Unlike traditional data analyst work with spreadsheets and pivot tables which offer a shallow view of your data, our proven and proprietary algorithm can help you find answers hidden deep within your data that would otherwise remain hidden.

All too often it isn’t always clear if data analysis is even looking at the right data and looking for answers to the right questions. Our algorithm works in both a supervised and unsupervised mode and can detect patterns in data that are missed by even the most seasoned data scientists. We explore your data using our unbiased, objective algorithm and our modeling process allows us to converge on answers quickly and with predictable accuracy. 4Quant excels at heterogeneous, time-series, multi-variate data. These complicated data sets, such as those that exist in a hospital, are often impossible to model. Our proprietary, learning algorithm can provide you with answers and insights that allow you to adjust protocols and procedures to improve both clinical and financial outcomes.

mit deep learning, künstlicher intelligenz und hochskalierbare, streambasierte bildanalyseverfahren ermöglichen wir präzisions- und personalisierte medizin, qualitätssicherung und neue, bahnbrechende industry 4.0 business cases.

beste, auf dem markt verfügbare lösung für hochskalierbare image analytics…

At 4Quant we are transforming 21st century medical imaging by solving today’s most challenging problems – across life science tools, medical devices and therapeutics. We aspire to create significant societal impact and are motivated by the idea that our products will change the lives of people we love. We seek the talent of truly gifted, self-starting and driven individuals to help advance this mission.

We provide a stimulating environment, surrounded by brilliant, highly committed individuals who are given both the autonomy and project ownership to solve difficult problems and be the first to publish. We endeavor to develop technologies that enable unprecedented looks at nature thereby affording the opportunity to do prize-winning science and publish in top-tier journals like Science and Nature. Our advisors have pioneered their fields. Our technology base includes truly novel Devices, Deep Learning and the Cloud.

We understand that success requires surrounding yourself with the right people, being at the right place at the right time, and having the resources to get the job done.

Come join us and put a dent in the universe!

4Quant helps radiologists analyze medical image data for more accurate treatment plans and more precise diagnoses by applying their cluster-computing and artificial intelligence based image analysis technology.