The significance of still image and video data is exponentially growing. Ever cheaper and smaller cameras make video recording omnipresent in our world. Increased resolution, increased bandwidth availability, ubiquitous monitoring and surveillance, real-time streaming capabilities in mobile environments, together with single-purpose sensors replaced by cameras create a significant amount of data and therefore a big challenge to manage petabytes of image data.

Traditional big data solutions are restricted to metadata interpretation. Direct image analytics failed due to huge infrastructure costs, manual handling, performance restrictions, and archived image material that is nearly inaccessible for further analysis.

4Quant provides outstanding image analytics

4Quant developed a lightning-fast image processing technology.

With the click of a button, our solution analyses petabytes of image data, from single image databases to thousands of camera streams — in real time. Our decades of expertise in image analytics enables you to obtain reliable answers to your image analysis demands. Using sophisticated analytics distribution in clustered environments, our technology is highly scalable.

Unlimited scalibility, seamless customization and unprecedent speed

4Quant offers solutions for any stage in the image processing life cycle:

With our proprietary Analytics on Demand solution, we are offering cloud-compatible imaging solutions. You benefit from unlimited, elastic scalability without heavy investment costs in your own IT infrastructure. You pay only for the computational power you need at the moment

Our Ad-hoc query solution provides you with maximum flexibility to tackle varying challenging image analytics problems. The dynamic algorithms are fully based on your data and feedback and thus constantly improve unlike static predefined analysis solutions.

Our Image Query and Analysis Engine is the most convenient search tool for image information. Being more powerful, flexible, and customized than popular image search engines, we set the standard for commercial image queries.